Which way to the Exhibition Grounds
Beranových 667, 199 00 Praha 9 – Letňany

Transport to the premises via public transport
The most convenient transport to the PVA is by metro line C to Letňany station.
For transport to PVA there are also regular public transport lines to the bus station – Výstaviště Letňany, or. Letňany (metro C).
Public transport buses
- Bus 110 – Dolní Počernice – Třeboradice
- Bus 136 – Sídliště Čakovice – Jižní Město
- Bus 140 – Palmovka – Čakovice – Miškovice
- Bus 158 – Letňany – Sídliště Letňany – Čakovice – Třeboradice
- Bus 166 – Domov Seniorů Ďáblice – Střížkov – Třeboradice
- Bus 195 – Sídliště Letňany – Poliklinika Zahradní Město – Jesenická
- Bus 201 – Nádraží Holešovice – Černý Most
Information about public transport in Prague
Recommended routes for arrival by car
- Ústí nad Labem -> Teplice, Česká Lípa, Mělník D8 motorway, Letňany branch (Brno, Plzeň), to the Prague ring road and directly to the new off-grade junction at PVA
- Mladá Boleslav –> Liberec, Turnov Road E65 to Černý most, then still in the direction of Teplice up to the new off-grade intersection at PVA
- Hradec Králové –> D11 motorway, right to Černý most, from there as well as from Mladá Boleslav and Liberec
- Kolín –> by road No. 12 to the intersection of Českobrodská and Průmyslová (Kyje), turn right and follow the Prague Ring Road to the PVA
- Kutná Hora –> Říčany by road No. 2 to Štěrboholy, then in the direction of Teplice along the Prague Ring Road to the off-grade intersection at PVA
- Brno –> České Budějovice Take the D1 motorway to the border of Prague, turn in the direction of Teplice – Other transit along the Prague Ring Road to the off-grade junction at PVA
- Strakonice –> Příbram by road No. 4, over the Barrandov Bridge to the Prague Ring Road and still in the direction of Teplice to the off-grade intersection at the PVA
- Plzeň –> D5 motorway, turn before Zličín to Brno, Teplice, continue along the Prague Ring Road in the direction of Teplice to the off-grade intersection at PVA
- Karlovy Vary –> By road E48 to Prague ring road direction Brno, Teplice, Other transit, then direction Teplice directly to PVA
- Chomutov –> Louny by road No. 7 continue on the Prague Ring Road over the Barrandov Bridge towards Teplice directly to the PVA
GPS coordinates
Loc: 50°7’41.662″N, 14°30’51.679″E