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Shanghai CHIKO Solar Technology Co., Ltd

Číslo stánku: 455
Číslo haly: 4

Popis firmy / Company Description:

CHIKO Solar as one design and manufactures high quality solar mounting systems company, engaged solar mounting business over 12 years, and have total amount over 30GW, all around the world. CHIKO design and produce the tile hook and ballast system special for EU market, please not hesitate to insult us, commercial and residential bracket system in very competitive price to surprise you. 3-4 weeks fast delivery from Shanghai China. EU local warehouse in Rotterdam NL can service you when you need. Welcome to visit our Booth at 455, CHIKO waiting to talk with you!

Pozvánka na stánek

CHIKO Solar as one design and manufactures high quality solar mounting systems company, engaged solar mounting business over 12 years, and have total amount over 30GW, all around the world. CHIKO design and produce the tile hook and ballast system special for EU market, EU local warehouse in Rotterdam NL can service you when you need. Welcome to visit our Booth at 455, CHIKO waiting to talk with you!


Kontaktní osoba / Contact person:

YuanLing Lin

Tel. / Phone:

+86 21 59972267

Tel 2. / Phone 2:

+86 21 59972267


[email protected]

E-mail 2:

[email protected]



Web 2:


Adresa / Adress:

Stát / Country:


Ulice a č.p.:

No 680 Xingwen Rd. Jiading dist. Shanghai 201815 China

Město / City:




Pobočky / Branches:


Unit1,4/F, No. 1 Building, Stars Center, 2nd Zhongshan Rd, Shiqi District, Zhongshan, Guangdong, China


S3.2.1 Energeticky šetrné domácí spotřebiče

1000×210 Témata veletrhu 2025

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