Přeskočit na obsah

EkoWATT is a leading Czech consulting company in the field of energy, economy and environment. EkoWATT’s goal is to promote efficient and environmentally friendly use of energy resources. It provides quality and independent consultancy, helping clients to make better and more efficient decisions.

Over the time of its operation, EkoWATT has developed into a professional consulting and expert company whose results are appreciated both in the Czech Republic and internationally. EKIS consultancy centres are among the most visited and best rated in the Czech Republic.

Areas of consultancy:


Family and apartment buildings

  • reconstruction of family houses – economics of reconstruction, payback, building principles
  • construction of houses in low-energy and passive standard – energy-economic optimization of the project
  • insulation and replacement of windows
  • choice of heating source
  • heat loss of the building
  • use of renewable energy sources in the construction or renovation of a house
  • reduction of electricity and gas costs, choice of electricity tariff
  • use of heat recovery
  • heat pumps
  • solar hot water systems
  • expert opinions for subsidy titles (Green Savings, Boiler subsidies)

Office buildings, shopping centres, industrial sites

  • Energy saving opportunities in larger buildings and production facilities with the possibility of optimising energy consumption and operating and investment costs
  • heat loss of buildings
  • Advice for small and medium-sized enterprises on strategic planning and the development of business plans in

energy sector

  • energy audits
  • expert energy assessments for subsidy titles, including the processing of subsidy applications
  • certification of buildings: LEED, BREEAM, SB Tool, DGNB

Buildings owned by municipalities, state authorities and institutions

  • Energy assessments for subsidy titles (OPIE, IROP, Green Savings)
  • energy saving opportunities in building operation
  • energy management
  • preparation of PENB and energy audits


  • possibilities of using renewable energy sources in buildings
  • feasibility studies and energy audits of RES (biogas plants, CHP, VTE, PV)



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